again from Heinrich Knaust (1614)
Gose and Broihan are both made from wheat. He does not tell anything about proportions of barley. maybe he does not know but he talks about beers made from both barley and wheat at other places (Einbeckisch beer was made from one third wheat).
I think one can say that the proportion of wheat malt was at least 50%.
Gose from Goslar was not as strong as the beer from Hamburg.
"Im Anfange süsse/ aber hernacher mit der Zeit/ gewinnet es/ wie das Hamburger Bier/ einen weinlichen Nachschmack/ unter den Weizen Bieren hat es eine mittel Natur ..." S. 31
(At the beginning sweet but later with time it gains, like the beer from Hamburg, a winelike aftertaste. Under the wheat beers it is of medium nature)
about "Broihane" he tells about the same.
It seems to be a bit stronger but also sweet.
It seems to be well known at the time that wheat beers generally don't store well, and that hops are used for improved storability.
I don't know how long a maturing was necessary to turn Gose into a wine like beer.
What we know is that maturing beers in order to make them wine like was a common thing, e.g. by using old wine barrels.
"Wie man ein Bier wohlgeschmack machen sol/ gleich einem Weine/ ganz natürlich/ sonderlich des Sommers zu trinken.
Nim ein Beerweinfaß/ Darvon man geschencket hat/ geuß das Bier darauff/ fo nimpts den Geschmack des Weins/ von den Beeren an sich/ und wird schön lauter. Die Cöllnischen und Holländischen Biere/ seyn dermassen und also gestalt/ daß sie auch offt von manchen für Wein getruncken werden." S. 64
(How to make a Beer welltasting like a wine, all natural, especially for drinking in summertime.
Take a winebarrel that has already been served, pour the beer on top, it will take the taste of wine, from the berries, and will be nice and clear-
The beers from Cologne and Holland are like that and of such a shape, that many drink them oftentimes for wine)
He also explains one reason for the differences between beers:
"Mit den Fässern/ darein ein Bier/ das von Gersten Malz gebrawen/ geleget werden soll/ hat ein jeder Ort auch seinen sonderlichen gebrauch/ Etliche legens in gepichte Fässer/ etliche aber nicht/ Das Pech gibt den Bieren zum theil einen newen Geschmack/ wird auch etwas schärfer darvon. Etliche legens in die Weinfässer/ auf den Weinstein/ daß es zum theil einen Geschmack vom Weine darmit kriege."
(With the barrels a beer made from barleymalt is stored in every place has its own manner. Many store it in piched barrels, some dont. The pich gives the beer a new taste, will be somehow sharper/ hot from that. Many store it in winebarrels on the winestone partly resulting in a winelike flavour)
any more evidence for the gose-geuze connection needed?
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